Benefits of Valet Parking

Scenario 1:  A couple arrive at an event.  They see a few people walking into the entrance and slow down to look around for the parking lot.  They stop to ask someone who is able to point them in the right direction.  They navigate up and down the rows of the mostly full parking lot, finally finding an open spot – only to find that an inconsiderate person parked too close to the line.  The couple feels frustrated as they do not want to risk scratching or denting their luxury sedan.  They are able to park at the far end of the lot and after walking back are finally able to enter the event.

Scenario 2:  A couple arrive at an event.  They spot a large Valet Parking sign at the entrance and see formally-dressed attendants opening the doors of cars and handing out tickets.  The couple pull in, get out of their car, and smile at each other as they walk up the steps to the entrance.

Which scenario is more likely to have guests associating positive feelings to their experience?

There are numerous benefits that businesses or events will receive with the introduction of valet parking. Guests commonly remark how pampered they feel upon arrival at an establishment with valet parking, and associate an upscale, luxurious image to their experience. Additionally, it saves them the stress and frustration of navigating a parking lot hoping to find a safe spot for their car.  Guests will enter with the peace of mind that their car is well taken care of by attendants who are experienced and careful.

Your parking lot is safer from vandalism and theft when being watched over by valet attendants. Guests also feel safer when they receive their car in front of the establishment rather than walking around a dark parking lot by themselves.

Valet parking also allows business and events to increase the capacity of their parking lot. More cars will be able to fit in the existing space when handled by experienced attendants.  Attendants will also be able to optimize the traffic flow at large events using cones, wands, signs, and radios – ensuring guests will be able to get in and out with minimal frustration.


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